The Office of the MNUC Deputy Principal (AROSA)

Deputy Principal (AROSA)
Prof. Thomas Sakwa
MNUC prides itself as a student-centered University and a Premier Institution that nurtures competent and value-based leaders. Our core mandate as the Office of Deputy Principal (AROSA) encompasses the Academic, Research, Outreach and Student Affairs programs at MNUC. We offer academic Leadership by ensuring quality and relevant teaching and learning; overseeing the design and development of new courses and curricula; organizing and coordinating regular meetings with faculty; overseeing the management of admissions, registration and examination processes; overseeing the coordination of the University Library services; superintend the provision of quality and professional development of courses; building and sustaining a research culture; supervising the implementation of student welfare activities; facilitating faculty development programs and advising on university-wide policy matters.
The MNUC offers Competency Based Training (CBC) modules, innovative and transformative teaching approaches in all its academic programs coupled with mutually beneficial collaborations, linkages and partnership established with local, regional and international universities, research institutes, networks and industries.